DeTech Foundation

What's in it for me?

Instantly Protect Every Startup Idea

Instantly Protect Every Startup Idea

Securely register your startup ideas within seconds on Startup Hub. Take ownership of your digital assets and eliminate even the slightest possibility of IP disputes.

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Create Your Unique Startup IP NFTs

Create Your Unique Startup IP NFTs

Effortlessly monetize and manage your startup's digital assets. Multi-chain IP NFTs revolutionize the creation, buying, and selling of your IP assets by offering: fractional ownership, seamless transfer of ownership, 24/7 access, increased liquidity.

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Accelerate Crowdfunding at Any Startup Stage

Accelerate Crowdfunding at Any Startup Stage

Fuel your startup's burn-rate with rapid crowdfunding rounds on the Startup Hub. Join forces with like-minded individuals and potential collaborators to unlock liquidity for your venture.

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About us

Welcome to DeTech Foundation, our primary mission is to empower startups and catalyze technological progress by establishing a global, multi-chain infrastructure for Web3 and AI. Our core objective is to provide extensive support to startups at every stage of their development, facilitating their growth and success. We firmly believe in the power of collaboration and co-creation, and strive to offer comprehensive funding and liquidity solutions specifically tailored to the needs of tech projects. By doing so, we aim to drive the advancement of new technologies and their profound impact on the world. Our ultimate goal is to enable millions of aspiring entrepreneurs to unleash their entrepreneurial spirit and realize their full potential in the digital age.


Want to join us?

Fill out the form below to get in touch with us. We are here to answer any questions you may have and provide you with the best solutions for your sturtup. Tell us more about your startup.


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